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Joburg’s Black Magic Circle Of Consumption

Writer's picture: rutendo matinyararerutendo matinyarare

Updated: Jan 7, 2022

Pentagram of Johannesburgs Magic Circle of consumption.
Johannesburg’s black magic circle of consumption.

I have always wondered why consumption is such an opiate among us as black people in South Africa.

Consumption has such a powerful allure upon us that we will go to the extremes of killing each other for tenders, taxi routes or clients so that we can consume.

We will sell each other out to foreign interests, sabotage the nation and even destroy black competence, just to make a little to consume western products at the expense of our nation and children’s futures.

Money is misappropriated, state companies sold to foreign [western] interests, institutions cannibalized and debt taken from white banks, all for us to buy our women Indian hair dedicated to Indian gods.

We will spend on ostentatious red bottoms, handbags, bubbly, skin lighteners, designer suits, depreciating German cars and houses in estates owned and guarded by the same boers who are secretly planning a war that might start with the elimination of the same black elite who live in these estates.

While researching on these contradictions, I came across a fascinating article written by an occult practitioner in which he postulates that with all our four “gates” better known as the gate shopping centers, having been built along ley-lines; the completion of the Mall Of Africa (positioned true north of Johannesburg) closed off and crowned a perfect five pointed star [pentagram] to create the Johannesburg Black Magic Circle Of Consumption.

In this magic circle, Mall of Africa forms the spirit or northern crown of the matrix, while Sandton, Rosebank and Hyde Park represent the heart and soul [or PENTAGON] center to complete the consumption trap.

The result is all the people within this area and those who come into it from outside, are under the spell of the five forces of spirit, earth, wind, fire and water, which in this case are being channeled to drive greed and fruitless consumption in the conurbation. That is all black magic or white occult witchcraft.

This painted a new picture around the drug dealing, hijackings, corruption, blessers, murder and sex for money culture that is endemic in this city because it’s under an evil veil.

The power of the circle is so strong that it pulls people from thousands of miles into the circle, making Johannesburg the most visited city in Africa, yet it doesn’t really have any important sites to speak of except maybe the Cradle of Humankind.

Reflecting on these statistics for a moment, they are basically saying Johannesburg attracts more visitors than Cairo and the pyramids, Mali and the ancient scrolls or the seventh wonder of the world Motse ya Tunya [Victoria falls] in Zimbabwe.

I’m sure many people will feel like this is just another one of the many conspiracy theories out there, however, let’s take some time to assess the facts.

Can anyone say that we are not in a consumption obsession in Johannesburg, and can anyone say that people will not go to extremes to consume in this city. Does it make sense that people visit Johannesburg before seeing the pyramids?

Furthermore, is Sandton not the center of this gluttonous consumption? Do we not consume more than we invest and are people not pulled from as far afield as Nigeria, Ghana and Kenya, into this circle of consumption [Sandton in particular] to leave huge amounts of money?

Just as an example, last year I saw a Nigerian man buying thirty thousand dollars worth of South African beef fillet to export back to Nigeria. Think about this for a moment. A Nigerian man was exporting South African beef back to Nigeria from a Sandton butchery, yet there is tasty beef in Nigeria.

Some time later, I saw a Ghanaian also buying twenty two thousand dollars of the same from the same butchery to export back to Ghana.

It takes anyone with an understanding of the tastelessness of South African [GMO, hormone and antibiotic infused] poisonous beef, compare that with organic Nigerian or Ghanaian beef, to begin to realize that something must be driving this senseless consumption.

The consumption magic circle has been in the making for decades according to plans and designs of the powerful occultists who run the nation.

What is more insidious is it seems like it was designed to coincide with black independence, to entrap the black ruling class in a culture of mindless consumption that would lead them to sell South Africa and all it has to the highest bidder.

Meanwhile, it’s also lulling them into a deep slumber that is seeing them slowly being set up for elimination by the shrewd foe who is helming them in psychologically, politically, economically and militarily as they consume without caution.

What is also interesting to note is that one of the biggest investors in malls in South Africa, with a R96bil endowment invested in private properties, is GEPF [Government Employee Pension Fund] which is controlled by PIC [Public Investment Corporation].

Most of their property investments having been made in Pareto Limited, which owns a number of the biggest malls in the country, although I’m not sure if they have funds in all five of the malls in the circle of consumption.

Basically, our public pension funds are being used to create the consumption traps that keep our nation as one of the countries with the highest household debt in the world.

Instead of investing these funds into driving industrialization in South Africa or using civil servant funds to take a controlling stake in Eskom to save it from western vultures, us establishing locally owned processing industries for our resources or maybe investing in setting up a black bank to ensure that South African banking is transformed.

Our civil servants pensions -invested through white investment companies- are leveraged to get our already impoverished masses consuming more western commodities and not saving, at the expense of developing local businesses.

A closer inspection of why this is happening will show that the big financiers of South Africa, what we refer to as white monopoly capital (Oppenheimer, NM Rothschild and Rupert), the ones with a legislative and spiritual grip on our country. Are involved in these five malls and were instrumental in crafting PIC legislation, ensuring that they maintain control of the most powerful weapon being deployed against black people the world over: fruitless consumption.

Written by Rutendo Bereza Matinyarare. Strategist at Frontline Strat Marketing Consultancy and Founder of ZASM anti-sanctions organization.

2 comentários

Membro desconhecido
08 de mar. de 2019

Thank you for this response. You say it’s not our world anymore. Please can you give me a bit more context on what you mean.


08 de mar. de 2019

Very good piece of research Bro. London is exactly the same, the consumption is senseless, but once you know it you break the spell. All those points of the pentagram should have Star Forts that look like water molecules to harness healing energy from the earth. have a look But of course its not our world anymore so we are stuck with energy sucking vimpiric (sic) lifestyles imposed upon us by the ruling elite. Its not affecting you or me thank goodness

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