After a piece on Hiroshima Day yesterday. Today I would like to write a piece to educate my educated history, economics and financial types on a reality that you won't find in business school....I will send you an invoice later.
For 74yrs since Japan was defeated in WW2, the United States has had its soldiers based on Japanese soil.
Reason being, to stop Japan from remilitarizing and having an aggressive imperialist army such as the one she had before the war.
Japan’s 1951 Constitution
The Japanese constitution adopted in 1951 does not allow Japan to declare war or to have an army for aggression. It only allows for a moderate, passive defensive Japanese force.
According to the Potsdam Agreement, Japan is officially defended by the American military and for that Japan pays $10bil of its $42bil military budget to America for protection.
Currently, there are 54 000 American soldiers, 5 000 military administrators and 23 US military bases in Japan.
America has an unknown number of aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines and destroyers in Japanese waters. Some of the US military bases in Japan have military airports through which Americans fly in carriers and fighter jets without Japanese oversight from its customs.
A number of crimes have been committed by US soldiers on Japanese soil and Japanese courts have not had jurisdiction over US soldiers committing these crimes.
This has caused protests and challenges to the 1951 constitution because it is now being seen by many Japanese as a sign of American military occupation. A reality both the Japanese government and the Americans are not too keen to expose.
Additionally, Japan is prohibited from manufacturing ships, aircraft, submarines, technology or any other equipment that might have military use without US approval.
This is besides the fact that most of the monopolies or Ziabatsus that manufacture Japanese technology, electronics, vehicles or equipment are controlled in many ways by Anglo American capital.
So why is America on Japanese soil? To answer this question is America's foreign policy. Political, military and economic domination is America’s number one objective.
The first reason America imposed punitive economic sanctions on Japan and Germany in the 1930s was specifically to put them under US hegemony.
By the end of the Great Depression, Japan had become an economic and military power through its unique financing system referred to as #WindowGuidance or the war economy banking model.
Through this model, Japan just like Germany was operating a banking system autonomous to the American and British controlled financial system that prevailed in Europe.
This was slowly turning Asia and it’s 3bil labor and product market (the biggest in the world) into a powerful financial bloc under Japanese influence.
More importantly ever since Japan had defeated Russia in the Russo-Japanese war, her ambition to dominate the world had known no bounds with her invading Manchuria, Philippines and most of South East Asia in her expansion.
With many western colonies and interests under threat from Japanese imperialism. The west felt that they could no longer afford to let Japan continue to rise and awaken China to form a Japan-China barrier to Asia, the Middle East and Africa.
Finally, with the rise of communism. America and the west were desperate to bring Japan into the capitalist fold to use it as a rampart to block Communist expansion into South East Asia.
This is why after putting Japan and Germany under economic sanctions and drawing them into the Second World War, which the Anglo American European alliance won.
The United States quickly began to take control of the Japanese economy and financial system by investing dollars into the Japanese economy through the Martial Plan to raise Japan from the ashes of losing a war.
Japan had been bombed quite extensively throughout the war. She had lost a lot of her factories, infrastructure, while the debts those factories had taken from the central bank during the war were now worthless.
The Empire had lost the european colonies that she had colonized for resources and cheap labor so she was pretty much bankrupt.
Together with this bankruptcy she had to pay hefty reparations of about $550mil [$6 billion today] and forfeit $23bil in overseas properties [$300bil today].
With that she needed to rebuild her cities but the empire had no money or colonies to milk for industrial raw material or labor to kick start her economy.
At about the same time Communist Russia’s international ambitions were playing themselves out and the threat of Japan falling into communist control was real if her economy was not kick started.
Martial Plan
In come the Americans with the Martial Plan and other not so publicized new deal funding agreements, which were essentially the Americans and British dollarizing Japan, monopolizing her financial markets to become shareholders of Japan's public and private enterprise.
For this investment America needed to safe guard its interests hence the decision to put forces on Japanese soil.
Japan was dollarized by secret and complex American private debt, even though the currency would remain the Yen.
American banks and vulture funds bought huge chunks and controlling stakes in Japanese companies through complex financial structures and forcing Japan from a bank driven economy to a stock market driven economy. A process that spanned from 1951 to the well orchestrated collapse of the Japanese economy in the 1990s.
Japan Colonized
In return Japan got the latest technology and machinery from America to modernize it's factories.
It also got access to raw materials to rebuild from resource rich Asian and African British, French, German and Portuguese colonies which by default were now ceded to America as security for Martial Plan debt.
Another favor was preferential access to American markets for its products which began in the Korean War to which Japan supplied the US military with parts and supplies for their war effort.
Through this reconstruction process, Japan like Europe became a captive market for American capital and goods, making America filthy rich and powerful.
Europe Under American Imperial Control
By this same time Germany and most of Europe had gone through the same process as Japan to become American colonies and protectorates, successfully dollarized by the Martial Plan, New Deal and occupied by American forces.
In Europe America’s safe guard came in the form of NATO, which ensured that American naval, air and military bases could be stationed in Germany, Italy, Greece, Turkey and most of Europe to be a buffer to Soviet expansion.
Germany is where African Command or Africomm has had its home for the past 60yrs.
Japan The American Miracle
So when ever we speak of the Japanese miracle. In many ways we are speaking of the American miracle in Japan which was powered by the raping of African and Asian colonies.
The reason I say this being: after WW2, Germany and Japan were both supposed to have been deindustrialized by the Morgantheu Plan into agrarian states as was the design for Africa.
But after some contestation between the proponents of the two strategies, the decision was made to reindustrialize the two former powers to avoid them falling into communist hands.
African Underdevelopment
This is the reason why all Asian and African colonies were not liberated after the Second World War, even though the Second World War was a war against German colonization of Europe.
Asian, African and South American colonies were to remain colonies and underdeveloped to drive the economic reconstruction of Europe, Japan and the Asian market for a new world order led by the United States.
As a result, till today, African countries are strategically kept underdeveloped to be the resource centers for western multi-nationals, while Singapore and Hong Kong are the western finance, administrative and IP springboards into Asian markets.
Read, learn and research for yourself.
By Rutendo Bereza Matinyarare