Come on guys, seriously? You are are a slave of the oppressor, you seek to live in the oppressor's country, wearing clothes, drive cars and debating while typing on a gadget you bought with the oppressor's...

I find it ludicrous how people want to convince me that Jesus is the oppressors God, the bible is the oppressors book and they are all fictious, hence we must discard them if we want to be spiritually liberated.
"All the while these people continue to seek mental liberation and economic advancement from the oppressors maths book, mathematical theories, theories of evolution, white history, the oppressors money, boarders, mythology, accounting, economics, legal books, IT, physics, chemistry, internet, mechanics, cars, machines, watches, reading, knowledge, writing, record keeping, research, clothing, books, money, economic systems and everything else to progress and define their lives. Their lives are all about living in boxes made by the oppressor but the only anathema is Jesus and the bible. "
They have even adopted the oppressors life destroying habits without thinking twice: pornography, celebrity worship, self worship, atheism, constitutional worship, satanism, rebellion, drug abuse, fraud, corruption and such but I must be convinced that holding onto Jesus and the bible is being indebted to the oppressor and not life advancing but being slaves to the oppressors system is ok?
Come on guys, seriously? You are are a slave of the oppressor, you seek to live in the oppressor's country, wearing clothes, drive cars and debating while typing on a gadget you bought with the oppressor's money and you think that makes sense? If you want to return to your gods that permitted you to be enslaved then why not also carry the spear as well and walk to Durban too while you at it? Why don't you continue believing that the earth ends at the coastline and why not trade the clothes you wear and cologne for the old leather skin too?
If the oppressor was right about E=mc2 and the fact that the earth is round and we have adopted all the things we have from him. Isn't there a chance that he is right about Christ as well? Don't you wonder where our gods were when their Jesus led them to our shores and made them rich while ours were sleeping and didn't protect us or make us rich before they got here?
Lastly, Jesus was never British, French, Portuguese, Spanish or German (these were the colonisers) meaning the oppressors adopted Jesus from somewhere as well, why?