So let’s talk frankly, when people promote the anti-Kagame, anti-Tutsi, and anti-Rwandan sentiment and they get angry at us for no-longer promoting this rhetoric, what outcome are they seeking?
Do they want Rwanda to be isolated, sanctioned and Rwandans to rise against Kagame and his government, destabilizing Rwanda after 32 years of successfully uniting the people and building a well-run country after the genocide—despite the evident peace and progress in the country?
Are they hoping for those with extremist Hutu ideologies to rise against Kagame’s government and target the so-called Tutsi people, igniting hate and division in Rwanda, Congo, and Burundi, potentially leading to another genocide?
Considering that Kagame and Rwanda have demonstrated their ability to defend themselves—just as they did in 1994 and as M23 is doing in Congo—what do these anti-Rwandans expect to achieve by challenging an organized and battle-tested Kagame? If he was able to defeat the Habyarimana regime, which had full control of state resources, how can the same disorganized group of hate filled extremists hope to succeed against him now, when he has has state power, has successfully united his nation and strengthened his army?And if Kagame resists attempts to overthrow him, will these same extremists then turn around and blame him for killing people or genocide when his forces successfully defend themselves against these genocidal haters?
Given that anti-Rwandan extremists lack the capacity to invade and overthrow Rwanda successfully, are they instead hoping to manipulate SADC citizens like me into pressuring our governments to take military action against Rwanda?
What exactly are anti-Rwandan extremists advocating for with this anti-Kagame and anti-Tutsi rhetoric? Another genocide in Rwanda, Congo, and Burundi?
I came to realize that my own anti-Kagame sentiments were, in effect, advocating for outside invasion of Rwanda and the overthrow of a sitting government which could cause instability in a Rwanda that has invested so much to build a nation since 1994. Upon reflection, I understood the dangerous implications of such a stance and hence I stopped.